Friday, July 18, 2008

A Poll

On Thursday while Diana, Leslie and I were running we wondered what motivates someone to honk at runners.  So our question is...if you honk at female runners, do you honk when there is one runner, 2 runners or 3+ runners?

Since Riley (my horse) is resting from his sore feet, I rode a friend's horse in our jumping lesson last night.  He is bred to jump so since his owner doesn't tend to jump very big jumps she asked that we let him jump around some bigger stuff.  He is really fun and is so powerful that he just floats over the jumps with no effort.  His only problem is that he tends to drift to the right and it is really hard to correct.  We ended up doing a 3'6" spread fence which in the world of jumping is tiny but to me is a decent size.  Put in perspective, male 100m hurdlers clear 3'6" hurdles.  Unbelievable - I can't imagine.

Ran 10miles today and while my legs felt a little tired today at the end it went fine - I went out on the Decker loop so it was fairly hilly.  I must have hit the snooze button 10 times this morning - even the dog didn't want to get out of  the bed!  Enjoyed an ice bath with 20lbs of ice and some whole wheat blueberry pancakes.  Lost 3 lbs on the run but I didn't carry any water with me so I'm not surprised.   Looking to do 12 miles tomorrow which should put me at 42 for the week.  12 seems so short but I don't want to increase my milage too quickly.  It will end up being about 7 miles more than last week.

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