Saturday, July 12, 2008

Diet and electrolytes

I was reading the most recent issue of Inside Texas Running and there were 2 articles of interest. One was looking at the diets of 4 runners and the other was an article about electrolyte replacement by Paul Carmona.

The one about diet was kind of was amazing how much junk and how little vegetables these folks ate. The article was by a dietition and while the junk issue was mildly addressed, the veggie issue was not.

The electrolyte article was worthwhile though because I suspect a lot of people who take or plan to take supplemental electrolytes don't have a plan. The most interesting part was about what happens if you take too much electrolytes...bloating, stomach cramps to a shut down of sweating.

Thankfully loss of electrolytes doesn't seem to be a problem for me although I did have some quad and hamstring cramping and a lot of salt on my face at Boston this year...perhaps a little additional electrolytes may have helped.

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