Friday, July 25, 2008

Overwhelming tiredness

I didn't get to bed on Wednesday as early as I should have so didn't bother to get up at 5:30 on Thursday morning to run.  Tried to ride my bike from my place to the expo center -  would have been about 7 miles or so but because I was feeling lazy and didn't want to ride on the big hills on 973 I went on 969 where I got a flat between Don's BBQ and Decker Rd.  Did I have a spare tube and pump?  O course not.  I live in denial that flats happen.  It was raining pretty hard.  Thankfully I had my cell with me so I called a friend who was also going to be setting fences and she came and picked soaking wet me up.  Spent about 4 hours building up jumps.  Cross training.  Went home to do laundry and then went to get groceries.  Took naps at the red lights on the way there and back.  Got home and went to check on Riley's foot.  It's making slow but steady improvement.  Went back to the house and crashed at 8pm (I had thought about doing a run).  I have not been that tired in a very, very long time.  Set my alarm for 5am...thought about a short run and decided another hour of sleep would be better.  Spent the day at the expo center announcing riders and results.  Relaxing and kinda fun.   Came home and checked on Riley again...seems much better.  I am optimistic that he will be good to go within the next week.  Now as I type this, I am planning my run today.  Is 5:30pm an ideal time to start a 10 mile run?  No but I'll take what I can get.  I am not going to the Rogue run tomorrow so need to do something NOW.  It will be another early start at the show in the morning but I'll leave by one and get in a nap before work.

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