Thursday, July 10, 2008

Computer seems all better.

After a few days of no internet access, I took it to Mac Alliance and they did a diagnostic, cleaned up some corrupted files and all seems well again.
I am learning alot from reading Geezer, Wiley, and Scott's blogs.  I weighed myself before and after todays easy 6 miler and it seemed like I lost close to 4 pounds.  It was very humid.  I am also backing off the Wed 5K races as my heart, head and legs are no longer in it.  I hate running fast on the crushed granite surface and don't want to burn my self out.  I ran a 5K warm up, a pathetic 5K race (it was hot and I went out a bit fast), and another 5K cool down total 9.3miles.  Felt great in the warm up and cool down and lousy on the fast stuff.  Next week, I'm taking the dog so I have to run the race part slowly.  My legs felt a little heavy on the run today and my hip flexors are really tight.  Had a massage with Rachel and hopefully will be better by tomorrow.
My plan is to slowly ramp up my milege.  Starting to do that by running with Rogue on Saturday AM.  No more races until the IBM 10K.

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