Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Finally...used good strategy in 5K from hell

After 4 hours of sleep in 24 hrs I guess I was tired enough to just relax and run a smart race.  In the first mile I just let people go and ran my own pace.  I had my garmin which actually helped me pace myself.  In mile 2 I picked up the pace but relaxed a little as we headed down the hill at brushy Creek.  Came around the turn around fast and grabbed water from the table and with my usual efficient water drinking on the go passed Leslie.  Again stayed relaxed and tried to pay attention to my form.  Leslie was right on my heels as we crossed the little bridge and headed back up the hill.  A chic in the 35-39 age group was just ahead.  I bided my time and put down a little hammer on the hill.  See you later Leslie (OK she was not that far behind for the rest of the race), watch out young chic!  On the bridge we had a good tailwind so I just found a rythym I thought I could hold and pulled that youngster up.  Passed her smoothly.  There was a 20 some chic ahead but I didn't think it was worth breaking a smooth stride to try and catch her...I was reeling her in and I felt good with that.  Ended up with a slow time of 23:16 or so and Overall Masters winner.
My new Mizunos feel good.  No knee pain, minimal heel pain.  A little big toe soreness but that is not shoe related.
Went for pizza with Jim.  One more race!!!
Time for a shower and bed and up at 5:30 to run - shooting for 12 tomorrow.  Got in 9 today.

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