Friday, August 1, 2008

Whine, whine, whine....

It's too hot, my heel is sore, Riley still has a sore foot too...honestly I can't wait until it's a little cooler so I can run when I feel like, not when it's reasonable out.  While it seems like most people I know like getting up early in the morning, I don't.  Didn't this morning so therefore there was no run.  Got in 9 yesterday but my legs felt strangely dead.  By mile 7 they came alive but still weren't great.  I'm liking the hydration coach Geezer mentioned on his post...I usually don't have a problem getting enough water in but occasionally the day will get away from me and at dinner time I realize I'm a liter or 2 behind.  
As far as the horse thing goes, the lady that owns the barn where Riley lives, owns a really nice young horse she doesn't have time to ride enough.  It's the kind of horse I can't afford to buy.  Anyway I get to ride her now and once Riley is better, I will make the time to continue riding her...she is that nice.  Not fancy looking but nicely bred and the riding skills she needs to learn are easy for her.  Very comfie trot too.  I am going to ride Riley at the walk on the grass until he is sound.  Can't see how that will hurt given that he walks around outside all day and he isn't limping at the walk.
I'm going to soak my left foot with cold water and epsom salts tonight and hope for the best tomorrow.  My foot seems slightly better today after not running.  I'm sure it will be worse tomorrow but we shall see.
Good news...I fixed the flat on my bike and am pleased to see I can still change a flat in under a minute.  Might try and ride the bike more as it seems to be less nasty to ride than run when it is really hot.
Off to walk Riley around.....

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