Saturday, August 16, 2008

Snapped out of the haze

Maybe I was inspired by Michael Phelps or Dara Torres but I woke up and had no trouble getting out of bed at 4:15 today.  Thursday, the best I could do was send an email to Leslie at 4:30 am telling her I was not coming to our usual run and Friday I just could not get up at 6am.  I'm still on my running vacation for a few weeks so I'll cut myself a break.
Ran 16 today - Bruce was nice enough to invite me to join the team Rogue run so Jim Gelb and I tagged along.  Started out a little faster than I normally would have but felt good. Ended up slowing up a little for Jim as he hasn't done anything longer than 5 or 6 miles since Boston.  Ran strong for the last mile or so.  Over all feeling strong.  What a great group, it was fun to have a pack to run with for the first 6 miles or so.
Jim and I stopped for breakfast afterwards at Trudy's and now I'm getting ready for a shower and nap.
Blew a wad of cash at the tax free Rogue sale and got my self a new pair of shoes to race the distance challenge in..always good that they were on sale!
Sending out a little rain dance...please, please rain.  Did I see a high of 89 one day next week??

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