Sunday, August 3, 2008

Telekinetic connection to MikeW

I read Mike's post about Staurdays long run and I did exactly what he read about. I ran easy for the first 5 miles or so. Pushed through the hills and for the last 5 miles pushed a bit faster. Averaged 8:00-8:20 for the last 5miles. I felt great.
I made an effort to eat properly on Friday - I was tired when my alarm when off on Friday so I chose not to run. Slept in 'til 9am. Made an extra effort to really hydrate well. Took a little longer than usual to fall asleep but got around 41/2 hours sleep on Fri night.
Got up at 4am...took a shower, fed the dog, ate 1 waffle with pear butter and had a glass of Cranenergy drink. Had gotten a bunch of Sport beans that were 50% off at a Linen's and Things that was closing so figured I'd try those on the run. Took the 11 mile map and the 16 mile map. Ended up doing the 16miles and could have easily done 18 or 20.
I felt really strong on the run. It's a good sign when I have to tell myself to ease up every now and then. Ran with Julia for a bit and Diane after that. I got a little disoriented in the last few miles and kept worrying that I was going the wrong way on Shoal Creek...eventually got to the park and all was fine. My heel didn't hurt a bit and the Sport Beans worked just fine.
Got home and hit the scale - lost close to 6 pounds!! Yikes...I'm not surprised because my clothes were just dripping at the end of the run. I drank 3-4 small cups of water at every water stop. Interestingly when I woke up I noticed I was a few pounds heavier than when I went to bed. I assume that is water hooking up with the carbs I ate for lunch and dinner.
Had a good breakfast, a shower and then went and rode a horse. Went out for lunch and had a burger and fries. Major 6 hour nap on Sat afternoon - preparing for work! My legs do not feel like I ran at all - I didn't bother with an ice bath.

1 comment:

Sadie J said...

I relate to the 'water hooking up with carbs' sentence. It's funny to have a rest day and end up 2 pounds heavier the next morning, knowing that it is probably all water. I almost always start my Saturday mornings that way!